Fix Your X-Axis While Taking Your Organization Forward

Fix Your X-Axis While Taking Your Organization Forward

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For the last six months, the entire world is grappling with the COVID-19 pandemic. No one can predict how the world will look like after this epidemic is finally over. Time will only tell what we need to change and at what pace.

Many things are not going to change and will remain constant for many years to come.

There is one organization in the world that focuses only on those things that are not changed or not going to change with their clients. This organization follows this principle continuously for the last 23 yrs and has become number one in the world.

Yes, you are absolutely right,

I am referring to Amazon,which has been focusing only two things which have not changed since 1997,

  1. How to shorten the delivery time of their merchandise?
  2. How to reduce the cost of their merchandise continuously?

All of us can follow Amazon examples. We can also look inside and find out what are those things which we will not change at our client’s place and how we can add substantial value to our customers by focusing on those things.

We at Pinnacle have found that unleashing employees’ potential will remain a topmost priority at our clients’ place, and for the next one year, we will focus on unleashing the potential of people at the client’s place.

My question to you:

    • What is that one thing or things which you want to continue at your client’s place?

We feel rather than starting with things we don’t know. It is better to start with those things which we are confident about.
We call these things as X-Axis; this will help you fix your Y-Axis, which we don’t know yet.

Please do share with me all those things which you want to continue at your clients’ place. We will be happy to help you with fixing your X-Axis to the Y-Axis. Please write to us